Last Friday I met up with Mason to head up to Nelsons peak, The plan had originally involved my friend Tacoma as well but he called out sick, So with Willy and Lilly our dogs we headed up to nearby Bates canyon and started hoofing it up the trail. The temperatures were perfect for hiking and we soon found ourselves amid fallen gold and red leaves and the loamy scent of fall. We made our way to some old buildings that I had passed on my way down on the last attempt to the peak and did a little exploring. One building had burnt some time in the past and had totally fallen down would have been about 30 X 30 with a tipped over outhouse nearby, across the trail was a half fallen building covered partially with talus from the hillside and then a mostly intact tar paper shack that at one point had a glass window and a stove and electric lights. We decided with the temps dropping quickly that we would set up camp here and just enjoy ourselves by the fire.
Setting up camp was easy for me I just laid the bivy out on a little hill and stuffed my sleeping bag inside. Mason started setting up his tent only to find that he had packed his summer 1 person tent that was all screen and would hold in no heat. He opted to roll his tarp around his bag like a bivy. Once camp was set we started searching for firewood, my new Gerber machete came in very handy cutting up larger logs (very happy with the purchase). We found a couple of stools in the shack next to us and sat around the fire BS'ing drinking a little Vodka and Spiced Rum and turned in around 1030?
After a goon nights rest we had breakfast and put on our day-packs for the trip to the top. We both started out fresh and the dogs were having a grand time running up and down the trail. Soon we were within spitting distance of the talus field at the bottom of Nelsons peak. My back had started twinging a while back and with the daunting climb ahead I knew it would only get worse. After being out of commission for the last month due to back problems I decided it would be best to throw in the towel so I didn't hurt myself any more.
Heading down went much quicker and soon we were grabbing our packs from where we had hidden them near the old buildings and down the trail we went. Soon we were back at the Jeeps and had a beer to top off the trip.
End result we didn't make it to the top but it was still a great trip. Gotta pick another route next time and see how it goes :).. I will make it to the top of this thing one day HEHE.