Instead we took off Friday afternoon with the tent trailer to go up SR150 up by mirror lake and camp where we could near a lake and spend the time fishing. We ended up at Lost Lake just south of Lilly and Teapot lakes (the gates were still closed to the campground). We did have to make our way through some deep (3-4 foot deep consolidated) snowdrifts to get to a camping spot. A little use of the winch, a bit of digging with the little shovel and a heavy foot on the gas got us through. once camp was set up we walked down to the lake and threw our lines in. I got the only fish on day one..
Day 2 we woke up and started fishing the stream with no luck then headed to the lake. by the end of the day we had 21 fish for the trip, I had even got 2 fish at once a couple of times. most of them were rather small fish and were thrown back but by noon we had a couple nice fish that we decided to wrap in foil and cook on the fire. We were a little too relaxed and ended up burning both of them. Luckily we got some more large ones for dinner. we called it a day around 5 when the snow started to come down. We fried the fish up in the trailer and had a nice little dinner. During the day others had used the trail that we had forged the other day making it much easier and we were confident about getting out the next day without shovels or winches :).
Some hot coco and 100 proof cinnamon schnapps gave us a bit of extra incentive to relax. At this point we figured out that we both had some sun damage to our faces but on top of that both of us had failed to wear sunglasses (mine because they were lost the last weekend, Sam because he is a tard and had them on his forehead all day). with bloodshot eyes we decided sleep would be good.
Sunday morning we woke up and had coffee and oatmeal and packed up the tent trailer and our gear. As we were hooking up the trailer the snow started to fall hard and neither of us wanted to deal with the snow so we headed home.
In short it was a great trip, 21 fish total, I got the first and the most and Sam got the largest. -- No pictures were taken during the trip---
Hey.. I found a pic that was taken a few days after we were there.. when we broke the snow here it was at least2.5X higher :)

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